Stanton Methodist Church
Stanton is an active church in the village of Stanton, we meet every week for worship and other activities.
Stanton is a small village, close to the A444 and is part of Newhall Parish. It lies between Burton upon Trent and Swadlincote.
2025 - A Year of Celebration
This year we are celebrating and commemorating worship at our church for 150 years.
We have organised a programme of events throughout the year.
6.00pm - Sunday Worship
Let's Praise - occasionally meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month
7.15pm for 7.45pm start
Regular Events
Julian Meetings- contemplative worship,
7.00pm on the last Thursday of the month.
Please contact Susan on [email protected] for more details
Light Lunch, 12.00 start, usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month
Bible Fellowship, 6.30pm, 1st Tuesday of each month
Come And Meet Each Other - 10.00 am - 12 noon Every Thursday - Donations £1 - Tea/Coffee and light refreshments - Come along and have a chat. bring along your knitting, craft activities, quilting, card making, crosswords, jigsaws etc. All welcome
Stanton Methodist Church
Park Road
Burton on Trent
DE15 9TW